Global GET-Future Laboratory &
Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry, Korea University Jochiwon, Sejong 339-700, Korea Tel: +82-44-860-1493(O) Fax: +82-44-867-5396 Email: 이 이메일 주소는 스팸봇으로부터 보호됩니다. 보시려면 자바스크립트를 사용 가능으로 해야됩니다. |
Educations 1980. 2.Department of Chemical Technology, University of Ulsan (BS) 1982. 2. Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (MS) (Advisor: Prof. Sam. Kwon Choi*) 1986. 8. - 1990. 12. Dept. of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University (Ph.D) (Advisor: Prof. K. Matyjaszewski) 1991. 1. – 1993. 2. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering Cornell University (Postdoc. with Prof. C. K. Ober) Careers
1982. 3. - 1986. 7 2023. 09 – Present
Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry Chief Technology Director, AyinPol, Inc. Awards
1998. 4
Academic Related Careers 1996 - 1997 _ Editorial Board in the Journal of "Polymer Science and Engineering" at the Korean Polymer Society1998 - 1999 _ Secretary at the Korean Chemical Society (Division of Polymer Chemistry) 1999 - 2001 _ Assoc. Editor in the Journal of "Polymer Science and Engineering" at the Korean Polymer Society 1999 – 2000 _ Consultant of Korean Industrial Property Office 2001 - 2001 _ Editorial Board in the Journal of "Chemical World" at the Korean Chemical Society 2003 - 2004 _ General Secretariat of the Division of “Molecular Electronics & Devices” at the Korean Polymer Society 2004. 1 -12 _ General Secretariat of the Division of “Polymer Chemistry” at the Korean Chemical Society 2005 - 2008 _ Editorial Board in the Journal of "Macromolecular Research" at the Polymer Society of Korea 2005 - 2006 _ Editorial Board in the “Journal of Photoscience”at the Korean Society of Photoscience 2006. 10 _ Chairman of International Symposium on Luminescent Lanthanide Materials in Korea (KISLAM 2007) 2008. 6 _ Chairman of Asian Symposium on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (ASOMEP 2008) 2007. 1 – 2008. 12 _ Chairman of the Division of “Molecular Electronics & Devices” at the Korean Polymer Society 2009. 10 _ Chairman of International Conference on Frontier Photoscience and Functional Materials Jointed with Korea-Japan Forum on Frontier Photoscience (ICFPFM & KJFP 2009) 2007 - _ Editorial Board in the Journal of "Chemical Physics Journal (Bentham Science Pub.)" 2010. 1 – 2010. 12 _ Manager-in-Chief at the Korean Society of Photoscience (KSP) 2010. 06 – _ Advisory Member of Solar Energy at the Korean Exchange (KRX) 2010. 06 _ Chairman of International Conference on Frontier Photoscience and Functional Materials Jointed with Korean Photoscience Society Annual Meeting (2010 ICFPFM & KSP Annual Meeting) 2011. 1 – _ Councilor of the Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association (APA) 2012. 1 – 2014. 12 _ (Head) Vice-president of the Korean Society of Photoscience (KSP) 2012. 1 – 2015. 12 _ Vice-president & President of the ChungCheong Region at the Korean Polymer Society (KPS) 2014. 1 – 2014. 12 _ (Head) Vice-president of the Korean Organic Solar Cell Society(KOCS) 2013. 1 – 2014. 12 _ Editor-in-Chief, "Rapid Communication in Photoscience"(KSP) 2013. 1 - 2014. 12 _ Editor, "Current Photovoltaic Research" (KPVS) 2014. 4 _ Program Chair of Spring Meeting at KPVS 2015. 1 - 2015. 12 _ President of the Korea Society of Photoscience (KSP) 2015. 1 - 2015. 12 _ President of the Korea Organic Solar Cell Society (KOCS) 2015. 7 _ Co-Chair of 2015International Conference on Photochemistry(ICP2015) 2017. 1 - 2017. 12 _ Vice-president at the Korea Polymer Society(KPS) 2020. 1 - 2020. 12 _ Chairman,ACS(American Chemical Society) Korea Chapter Research Interests