Home Professor



Global GET-Future Laboratory &
Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry, Korea University
Jochiwon, Sejong 339-700, Korea

Tel: +82-44-860-1493(O)
Fax: +82-44-867-5396
Email: 이 이메일 주소는 스팸봇으로부터 보호됩니다. 보시려면 자바스크립트를 사용 가능으로 해야됩니다.


1980. 2.
Department of Chemical Technology, University of Ulsan (BS)
1982. 2.
Department of Chemistry,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (MS)
(Advisor: Prof. Sam. Kwon Choi*)
1986. 8. - 1990. 12.
Dept. of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University (Ph.D)
(Advisor: Prof. K. Matyjaszewski)
1991. 1. – 1993. 2.
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
Cornell University (Postdoc. with Prof. C. K. Ober)


1982. 3. - 1986. 7
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (Researcher)
1993. 3. - 1994. 8.
Photonic Switching Section, ETRI (Senior Researcher)
(Project Leader: Polymeric Photonic Devices)
1994. 8. - 2007. 2
Dept. of Polymer Science & Engineering
Hannam University (Assist., Associate, and Professor)
2001. 6 – 2005. 5
Director, Creative Research Initiative
Center for Smart Light-Harvesting Materials at Hannam University
2005. 6 – 2007. 2
Director, Center for Smart Light-Harvesting Materials
at Hannam University (National Research Laboratory)
2007. 3 –2023. 08
Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry
Korea University (Distinguished Professor)
2007. 6 – 2007. 7
Department of Chemistry, the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology at Lausanne (Visiting Professor)
2008. 6 – 2011. 12
Director, Center for Advanced Photovoltaic Materials
at Korea University (IT Research Center)
2014. 12 – 2017. 01
Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry,
Korea University (Department Head)
2016. 12 – 2017. 02
Department of Matrials Science and Engineering,
University of Washington(Seattle) (Visiting Scholar)
2017. 06 – 2017. 08
Department of Physics,
University of Oxford(UK) (Visiting Fellow)
2017. 09 – 2019.08
Director, KU-KRICT CRC
2018. 04 – 2022.12.31
Director, Center for Next Generation Solar Cells and Convergence Technology Development(KETEP)

2023. 09 – Present

Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry
Korea University (Professor Emeritus)

Chief Technology Director, AyinPol, Inc.


1998. 4
Outstanding Research Award at the Division of Polymer Chemistry in the Korean Chemical Society
2001. 4
Excellent Research Award in Hannam University
2001. 4
Distinguished Research Award in Korean Polymer Society
2005. 1
Daejeon Monthly Award of Scientist and Engineer
Sponsored by Daejeon Metropolitan City
2007. 10
Monthly Award of Scientist and Engineer Sponsored by NRF and MOST
2007. 11 & 2008. 12
Excellent Research Merit Award in Korea University
2014. 07
National Excellent Researh & Development Achievement 100 Award
(KISTEP & Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning)
2012, 2014 - 2022
Excellent Research Award in Korea University(Sejong)
HanWha Excellent Polymer Research Award(Korea Polymer Society)
Fellow Member (the Polymer Society of Korea)

Fellow Member (the International Association of Advanced Materials (Sweden)

KETEP President Excellent Center Award-Human Resources Program in Energy Technology (Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP))

Lifetime Excellent Research Award in Korea University(Sejong)

National Service Merit Medal (근정포장 (勤政褒章))


Academic Related Careers

1996 - 1997 _ Editorial Board in the Journal of "Polymer Science and Engineering" at the Korean Polymer Society
1998 - 1999 _ Secretary at the Korean Chemical Society (Division of Polymer Chemistry)
1999 - 2001 _ Assoc. Editor in the Journal of "Polymer Science and Engineering" at the Korean Polymer Society
1999 – 2000 _ Consultant of Korean Industrial Property Office
2001 - 2001 _ Editorial Board in the Journal of "Chemical World" at the Korean Chemical Society
2003 - 2004 _ General Secretariat of the Division of “Molecular Electronics & Devices” at the Korean Polymer Society
2004. 1 -12 _ General Secretariat of the Division of “Polymer Chemistry” at the Korean Chemical Society
2005 - 2008 _ Editorial Board in the Journal of "Macromolecular Research" at the Polymer Society of Korea
2005 - 2006 _ Editorial Board in the “Journal of Photoscience”at the Korean Society of Photoscience
2006. 10 _ Chairman of International Symposium on Luminescent Lanthanide Materials in Korea (KISLAM 2007)
2008. 6 _ Chairman of Asian Symposium on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (ASOMEP 2008)
2007. 1 – 2008. 12 _ Chairman of the Division of “Molecular Electronics & Devices” at the Korean Polymer Society
2009. 10 _ Chairman of International Conference on Frontier Photoscience and Functional Materials Jointed with Korea-Japan Forum on Frontier Photoscience (ICFPFM & KJFP 2009)
2007 - _ Editorial Board in the Journal of "Chemical Physics Journal (Bentham Science Pub.)"
2010. 1 – 2010. 12 _ Manager-in-Chief at the Korean Society of Photoscience (KSP)
2010. 06 – _ Advisory Member of Solar Energy at the Korean Exchange (KRX)
2010. 06 _ Chairman of International Conference on Frontier Photoscience and Functional Materials Jointed with Korean Photoscience Society Annual Meeting (2010 ICFPFM & KSP Annual Meeting)
2011. 1 – _ Councilor of the Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association (APA)
2012. 1 – 2014. 12 _ (Head) Vice-president of the Korean Society of Photoscience (KSP)
2012. 1 – 2015. 12 _ Vice-president & President of the ChungCheong Region at the Korean Polymer Society (KPS)
2014. 1 – 2014. 12 _ (Head) Vice-president of the Korean Organic Solar Cell Society(KOCS)
2013. 1 – 2014. 12 _ Editor-in-Chief, "Rapid Communication in Photoscience"(KSP)
2013. 1 - 2014. 12 _ Editor, "Current Photovoltaic Research" (KPVS)
2014. 4 _ Program Chair of Spring Meeting at KPVS
2015. 1 - 2015. 12 _ President of the Korea Society of Photoscience (KSP)
2015. 1 - 2015. 12 _ President of the Korea Organic Solar Cell Society (KOCS)
2015. 7 _ Co-Chair of 2015International Conference on Photochemistry(ICP2015)
2017. 1 - 2017. 12 _ Vice-president at the Korea Polymer Society(KPS)
2020. 1 - 2020. 12 _ Chairman,ACS(American Chemical Society) Korea Chapter

Research Interests

  1. Nex Molecular Design & Synthesis of Organic and Polymeric Semiconductor Materials for Highly Efficient Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
  2. New Molecular Design & Synthesis of Organic Hole Transporting Materials for Highly Efficient Solid-state Dye-sensitized Solar Cells and Perovskite Solar Cells
  3. New Molecular Design & synthesis of D-π-A Copolymers for Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells and Organic Solar Cells
  4. Block Copolymers via Controlled Living Polymerization for Quasi-Solid-state Dye- sensitized Solar Cells
  5. Copolymer-templated Carbon Nanomaterials for Next Generation Solar Energy Conversion and Storage Devices
  6. New Devied Architecture Design and Optimization for Commercialization


